Teeth Whitening

Why is it Difficult to Keep Your Teeth White?

Many people consume heavily staining food and drinks such as coffee, tea, red wine, pop, berries, citrus, and many more. An impression is left on your teeth which fades their natural white colour when consuming these. Over time, this process erodes your protective enamel, revealing the less-dense dentin layer beneath. Compared to teeth enamel, dentin takes on the colour of food and drinks more easily. This fact is one of the main reasons why it is so difficult to maintain a perfectly white smile.

Keep Your Teeth White at Home

Properly brushing twice-a-day, flossing at least once, rinsing with mouthwash, and maintaining a healthy diet will help to keep teeth naturally white. We also recommend limiting the consumption of acidic substances like coffee, red wine, berries, and citrus, as they commonly stain teeth. If you are going to consume these, it is ideal to brush or rinse your mouth afterwards to reduce any tooth discolouration.

How We Whiten Your Teeth

Nobody whitens teeth like Railway City Dental, and we can often see our patients on short notice, for a quick shining before an important event. We can improve the colour of your teeth within a single visit using our advanced dental instruments and strategies.

Long-lasting white teeth are achieved with at-home routines. With so many techniques and products available to attain a whiter smile, it can be difficult to choose which option is right for you. We suggest making an appointment to talk with one of our dentists about the differences between types of treatments, and which will best accomplish your desired outcome.

A Take-Home Whitening Solution

We often recommend Opalescence Go Teeth Whitening Trays to our patients who are looking to brighten their smiles at home. This professional system uses a specialized gel, which is placed into custom trays that fit perfectly into your mouth. The gel breaks down stains and helps to whiten teeth in as little as 3-7 days without the use of any toxic ingredients.