Root Canals

When is a Root Canal Needed?

Root canal treatment is used for repairing and retaining teeth with badly infected roots. The live portion of the tooth that contains nerve endings and tissues is called the pulp. A compromised pulp that is left untreated results in pain, swelling, eventual tooth loss, and further spread of infection. When this occurs, we recommend a root canal to remove the infected tissue and avoid any worsening symptoms.

Our Root Canal Treatment

During the procedure, your dentist will first apply a numbing agent in-and-around the tooth to ensure you do not experience any pain. Once this has taken effect, we will then set a dental dam around the tooth to easily concentrate on the infected area and create a sterile environment.

To access the roots, your dentist will drill a small hole into the tooth. They will then use our specialized root canal instruments to easily remove the infected tissue. Once it has been fully removed, the inner area of the tooth will be disinfected. Finally, the dentist will prepare your tooth to be filled. Once ready, the chosen filling option will be applied to fully restore your tooth and match it to the rest of your mouth.

Will My Root Canal Hurt?

With advancements in modern dentistry, root canal therapy is almost always a painless procedure. Only a few years ago this treatment would sometimes hurt, but now it is as easy and painless as getting a regular filling.

Caring for Your Root Canal at Home

It is normal to experience a moderate amount of pain and swelling during the day following your procedure. This pain can be easily treated with over-the-counter pain management options like Tylenol and Advil.

Immediately after your procedure, it is best to not eat any food, as this could disturb your tooth’s new filling. We recommend waiting until the freezing effect has subsided. When you decide to eat, try to avoid biting down with the affected tooth, or teeth, until you no longer feel tenderness. It may also help to elevate your head with an extra pillow during the first few nights after the procedure. This strategy minimizes the pain experienced while sleeping and also limits swelling by promoting healthy blood flow.

We also recommend rinsing your mouth with warm salted water twice-a-day for 30 seconds to avoid the infection re-establishing in the gums of neighbouring teeth. This will ensure that no harmful bacteria can develop in the surrounding area of your root canal.